Smart Campaigns: Are They Helpful?


If you have a Google My Business listing, you may have seen something about setting up a “Smart Campaign” for Google ads. It looks appealing and easy for businesses to set up. Not to mention setting it up yourself is free. Though these campaigns can increase traffic and saves time, it may not be your best choice. Here is why:

·        Smart campaigns may be quick to set up, but you have less control of the campaign. Google takes control of the campaign, not you. You may end up spending more money than you need to when allowing Google to make decisions for you.

·        Smart campaigns lack the options for optimization. A search campaign, on the other hand, allows you to make detailed changes to your campaign to make your ads run as smoothly as possible.

·        Smart campaigns lack the analytics that a regular search campaign has. Analytics are essential to determine what is working and what isn’t. Having a large amount of data helps optimize ads to get the best return on your investment.

Smart campaigns may be quick and easy, but if you are looking for control and being able to see how your money is being spent, regular search ads are the way to go.

Need help getting your Google search ads set up? Set up a free 30 minute consultation today!