Someone asked me last week- What keeps people from running ads on Google? Here are a few reasons why people shy away from Google ads.
1. Google Ads cost too much money! While this can be true, you have to look at what your overall return on investment (ROI) is. If you spend $2,000 and get 6 new customers in one month all worth $500 to you, then you have already made a profit.
2. Google just does this to make them more money! I can’t dispute this one. That is the reason they have ads on their platform, however, if your business is not being found on Google, then you are losing customers. Ultimately it is an important place to be. This is why it is important to have a campaign that is optimized and spending the least amount of money while getting you more customers.
3. It seems too complicated! It is easy to make a Google Ads account and run an ad. It is not easy to understand all the working parts that go into running an ad. Which bidding strategy should I use? What should my keywords be? How many ad groups should I have? Do I need more than one campaign? How much money should I spend? And the list goes on. That is why I always recommend having someone who specializes in Google Ads set up and manage your account. (By the way, I can help you with all those questions. 😊)
These are just a few of the many reasons I have seen. What has made you decide not to run Google Ads? If you need some help to get those ads started or just want to learn more set up a free consultation today!